Preview: Issue 30

The latest issue of The Lyme Report goes out to subscribers tomorrow and in it I’ll be discussing BC-based research into chronic Lyme disease and maternal transmission of Lyme antibodies in dogs.
FEATURE: Researchers affiliated with the Chronic Complex Disease Program in Vancouver are looking for the cause(s) of the persistent, debilitating symptoms suffered by British Columbians diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and myalgic encephalomyelitis (aka chronic fatigue syndrome). We’ll take a look at how that research is going.
ANALYSIS: A recent study investigated the maternal transmission of Lyme antibodies in canines using an Eastern Ontario dog and her nine pups. We’ll take a look at what they found and why it’s a real eye-opener.
NEWS BRIEFS: A Lyme research group returns to the lab, a Lyme researcher gets a grant to study COVID-19 with implications for chronic Lyme patients, tick researchers discuss ticks in the Maritimes, a wildlife federation insures against Lyme, and a southwestern Ontario region gets some bad news.
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